Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Turnout UpDate

That wasn't your imagination today.
The polls were more crowded than usual.
Let me take Philadelphia as a bellweather. The city has already reported nearly 13% of the vote. If the trends hold, a total of 500,000+ votes will be cast in the city this election.
This would equal 52% turnout, which is about a nine points above what it was in the last gubernatorial election in 2002.
More to come on this as other counties report real totals.

Here is the 9:22 p.m. AP summary of major Pa. races:

U.S. Senate
663 of 9,372 precincts - 7 percent
x-Bob Casey, Dem 130,997 - 65 percent
Rick Santorum, GOP (i) 69,617 - 35 percent

644 of 9,372 precincts - 7 percent
x-Ed Rendell, Dem (i) 141,939 - 70 percent
Lynn Swann, GOP 60,281 - 30 percent

These are statewide numbers, but they are heavily tilted towards Philly because of the speed with which they produce election results.


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