Another Day, Another Poll

This one is from McClatchy-MSNBC, sample size 650, and it tracks with the results of most of the public polls in recent weeks.
It shows Bob Casey 12 points up on Rick Santorum in the U.S. Senate race, Gov. Rendell with a 21-point lead over Lynn Swann.
For the record, it was Casey 51% - Santorum 39% - 10% Undecided/Other
For the record, it was Rendell 56%- Swann 35% - 9% Undecided/Other
Here is the poll story, as it ran in the Centre Daily Times. Here is a link to the questionnaire. And, for number freaks, here is are the tabs from the poll.
A couple of interesting numbers that illuminate Santorum's problem:
A huge gender gap. Women prefer Casey 52%-35%
Problems among independent voters, who favor Casey 54%-36%
He is losing the Pa. Burbs, 52%-35%.
(Though I am always wary of regional breakdowns because of the small size of the sample.)
The margin of error in the poll overall is plus/minus 4%.
Speaking of which, the Santorum campaign is up with another (very clever) earth-tone Rick commercial called "Wrestling."
But Tom, that "very clever" Santorum ad is just another attempt by his handlers to convince voters he's something that he most definitely is not.
Santorum the Consensus Builder? Santorum the Ultimate Colleague? Give me a freakin' break. Santorum is the loudest, most-partisan, wing-nuttiest Senator in Washington.
He may not be a good-natured nice guy, but he sure can play one on TV every six years. Happily, it appears that this show is about to be cancelled.
Cute ad, though some smart reporter is going to tie it to Santorum's past as a lawyer in private practice who represented Vince McMahon's WWF to keep it free from steroid regulation.
Really? It's all over but the countin'.
The Wrestling ad would be a great idea if professional rasslin' weren't so obviously fake. As it is, Santorum has managed to associate himself with show biz pretending to be a sport. I'm not sure that's the image he really wants to convey, especially since a huge proportion of the audience for rasslin' isn't yet of voting age. A very strange ad. But then, his numbers haven't budged from 40% or just slightly below, no matter what he's done. He might as well get help from Hulk Hogan or The Rock.
turn out the lights, the party's over, Rick
Rick as Referee? Diplomat?? More like The Red Queen. Disagree with His Sanctorumness and it's OFF WITH YOUR HEAD. (Has he rented space on K Street yet?)
Is any of what he said in the ad untrue?
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